Optical Articles and Digital Strategy
Since 2016 Mass Velocity has assisted VuePoint IDS and their subsidiaries OptikNOW, Canadian Eye Care Review, and Optik Continuing Education with a host of digital and copywriting services. We set our sights on social media content creation, curation, and strategy, alongside digital and print articles. Optical content was created for audiences that were optical consumers and/or optical professionals.
Partner Sarah Lett, who has worked as an eye care professional since 2004, attended conferences and provided social media and digital news coverage at events such as Transitions Academy and Essilor Alive Summit.
When we weren’t attending or providing coverage for conferences, our team kept the conversation going about topics such as fashion trends.
Mass Velocity also integrated key digital elements to synergize VuePoint IDS with their team and partners.
Print and digital articles include:
A Spotlight on Millennials & Transition Academy Highlights
David Pietrobon: President VuePoint IDS Inc.
Howard K.: Sourced images for Alive in Colour article